Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Welcome


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  • Retail Dicks

    We’ve all gone shopping, and we all have our visions of what it’s supposed to be like. For me, it’s go in, get my shit, and git. I know what I want, go get it, and get out. Easy peasy. Dick #1Do you ever shop at ARC, or other thrift stores? I do. There’s always…

  • Blast from the past

    So, we’re all tired of reading the news, freezing our collective asses off, and generally enduring dickdom. So I’m going to wax nostalgic today. Way back in 1988, I didn’t live in Colorado. I lived in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. My family had fallen upon hard times (sort of a repeating theme with…

  • An interesting coincedence

    You get some great, amazingly fantastic news. What’s the first thing you do? This actually has some intersection with real life. My poor car is being beat to death, driving the canyon 5 days a week. I’m nursing it along, and frankly, it’s a Toyota and we all know Toyotas just won’t stay dead. But…

  • Some Scenery for a change

    I’ve been a little lax about this. Too much going on, all that good stuff. So, let’s look at pretty pictures, shall we?

  • Patriotism

    Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you? Well, let’s go to the dictionary, first. I don’t think this encompasses it all. I think patriotism can mean you’re passionate about, well, whatever youj’re passionate about. We all, red or blue, have our theories as to why the country is going to hell in…

  • Everything!

    Is there anything you feel too old to do anymore? This is something that’s pretty near and dear to me, actually. For starters, I’m 52. Debate rages on whether that’s considered ‘old’, or ‘middle-aged’, or ‘walking dead’. The problem, is relevancy. Many things I used to enjoy doing, are firmly in the world of the…

  • Prompt 02/02/2023

    Do you need a break? From what? This is actually sort of funny to me. My life really isn’t that bad, considering how I got here. I live in 2 different outbuildings on my mom’s property, pay no rent, work from home, and take random trips to dispensaries all over the state. Mom asks that…

  • Snow!

    Click here to read my prompted post about old computers! You’d never believe this, but it’s snowing again. So, since nature is being a dick, allow me to share the depths of her dickdom. All of these pictures are from the CDOT website. To be fair, at least it’s moderately pretty dickdom, and not in…

  • Rand, Colorado

    Name an attraction or town close to home that you still haven’t got around to visiting. Well, yeah, I’ve never been here. It’s probably 70-80 miles from me. So, I’ll let Wikipedia do the explaining, then you can come back and look at pretty pictures of it. I really wanted to find a picture of…

  • Five things to do for fun …

    and a plug for a good friend! List five things you do for fun. I’ve had writer’s block, or more like writer’s lack of time. School’s started, and I’m still working at home. These are in no particular order. Before we get to the goodies, I want to shamelessly plug a friend of mine. If…

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